Friday, December 23, 2011

Brushing Too Hard Can Damage Your Gums

The health of your gums is intricately related to the health of your teeth. When your dentist uses the phrase, “brush your teeth,” what he really means is “brush your teeth and gums.”
People believe that brushing their teeth hard means that they are doing well. This is a completely wrong misconception.

It’s often better for your teeth and gums if you use a softer touch. The plaque and bacteria that build up on your teeth can be more effectively removed with a softer, gentler scrub. If you brush too hard, not only will your gums be swollen, but you’re also not cleaning your teeth as efficiently as you could be.

How to take care of your Gums?

Dentist huntington beach - brushing gumsFollow these tips if you’re one of those “gum scrubbers” who brushes too hard
  • Lighten up! If you tend to brush too hard, ask a member of your family to watch you brush and remind you when you start bearing down too hard.
  • 45-degree angle. Make sure that your toothbrush bristles are touching your gums at a 45-degree angle; this can reduce the force of the brush against your gums.
  • Use an electric toothbrush. If you haven’t been able to train yourself to brush more softly, get an electric tooth brush! Ask our dentist to recommend a good toothbrush that gives your teeth and gums a steady, consistent and gentle scrubbing, just like the professional models used at our dentist’s office in Huntington Beach.
  • Use analgesic toothpaste. If you tend to have a case of receding gums, our dentist can prescribe an analgesic toothpaste in order to reduce discomfort and promote healthier gums.
If your gums are straining from the pressure of excessive brushing, know that there is hope. Visit our dentist in Huntington Beach in order to prevent the situation from getting worse, he will show you the correct techniques so you can learn how to brush your teeth and gums!

Remember Poor Gum Health is one of the major causes of Tooth Loss!!!